Headquartered in Cambridge, England with a major Representative Office in Beijing, First Landing Education (FLE) has over 30 business partners providing bespoke educational and business services to private and institutional clients in key metropolitan cities across China. FLE possesses unique strengths and has enjoyed particular reputation in the design and the execution of non-academic training courses on a short-term basis for audiences ranging from students, teachers and adults to important school delegations, senior company executives and high-level government officials. FLE is committed to building a bridge of mutual respect and understanding between China and the United Kingdom, providing an effective and exciting platform for further educational and business exchanges.
The co-founder of our company has been engaged in education-related business for over a decade, especially in organizing overseas study tour and training plan. More, with rich experiences in overseas living and field working, she has integrated numerous foreign educational resources, which will definitely provide great assistance for the Chinese customer to make personal oversea study, travelling plan and fantastic foreign life choice.
First Landing Education Ltd.(FLE)总部位于英国剑桥,为CBBC(英中贸易协会)和English UK (英国语言协会) 会员机构,也是全英东北商会的会员机构,与中国国内目前有30多家合作方,覆盖各大省会城市。主要提供多层次、多类型的国际交流项目服务,内容涵盖:短期非学历课程(学生及成人)设计及服务,教师培训,校长考察,大学插班,政府境外参访,企业海外文化交流等等,目前已为学生,校长,政府及企业组织定制设计了众多针对性强的高质量教育培训交流课程,成果得到了中英双方政府部门以及院校的高度认可。
Modes of International Education Program Cooperation国际教育项目合作模式
We are currently looking for programs as follows,
International Short-time Study Tour Program国际短期游学项目
Tailor-made campsite courses with accommodation;
Advanced English language lessons, and cross-cultural communication skills practices
Diverse theme classes including subjects learning, handicraft making activities, physical and sports events, leadership training, royal etiquette training and etc.
Academic certificate courses, professional lectures from academic institutions, perfect match to the international education mode
Natural and cultural experience tours in Europ ean countries, Australia, New Zealand, American and etc.
Exam Training Services考试课程
Summer Course or Non-Academic Education Courses暑期课程或短期非学历课程
Top University Summer Course
Summer courses at top universities in UK would offer students great opportunities to be immersed in authentic British education system, facilities, studying atmosphere and cultural experiences. We hope all these can form a solid foundation for student’s future study life in UK.
Personal Tailored Course
e.g. ENGLISH PLUS – Morning: English Language, Afternoon: Subject Course/(Non-Academic Education for Adults)
定制课程,例如ENGLISH PLUS, 上午英文课程,下午就读学校知名专业课程
International Students Exchange Program国际交换生和交流生
Some of our cooperative schools (mostly international high schools and secondary schools) are eager to establish sister schools in UK and then develop long-time exchange programs. FLE is endeavored to serve Sister Schools between China and UK as a bridge and provide services to students and teachers from both sides, including exchanging students and teacher trainings.
Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Education中外合作办学
Programs that can provide Chinese secondary level students with opportunities to get admitted by appointed UK education establishments.
Other Cooperation 其他合作
Homestay, Tour, Government Visiting, Outward Bound
Overseas Partners 海外资源方 |
英中贸易协会 China-Britain Business Council |
英国教育局 Department For Education |
英国旅游局 The Great Britain |
中国驻英国大使馆 Embassy Of China in the United Kingdom |
剑桥市政厅 Cambridge City Council |
牛津市政厅 Oxford City Council |
伦敦市政厅 London City Council |
曼城市政厅 Manchester City Council |
伦敦议会 London Assembly |
剑桥科技中心 Cambridge Science Park |
牛津学联 OXCSSA |
剑桥学联 CSSA |
全英学联 CSSAUK |
英国中国商会 China Chamber of Commerce in the UK |
英国中华工商联合会 Confederation of Chinese Business UK |
捷豹路虎 Jaguar Land Rover |
迷你库柏 MINI Cooper |
英国广播公司 BBC |
Domestic Cooperators 国内合作方 |
北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology University |
北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University |
重庆交通大学 Chongqing Jiaotong University |
燕山大学 Yanshan University |
长沙理工大学 Changsha University of Science and Technology |
无锡侨谊实验中学 Wuxi Qiaoyan Experimental Middle School |
北京爱迪国际中学 Beijing AIDI International School |
哈尔滨顺迈华美国际学校 Harbin SHUNMAI HUAMEI Foreign Language School |
唐山市金桥中学 Tangshan Jinqiao Middle School |
北京市新英才学校 Beijing New Talent Academy |
深圳国际交流学院 Shenzhen College of International Education |
武外英中国际学校 Wuhan Britain-China International School (WHBC) |
新东方教育科技公司 New Oriental Education & Technology Group |
北京工业职业技术学院 Beijing Polytechnic College |
北京环球未来国际教育科技有限公司 Beijing Global Study Tour |
宜信卓越财富投资管理(北京)有限公司 CreditEase |
启德教育集团 Education International Cooperation Group (EIC) |
江苏省国土资源厅 Department of Land Resources, Province Jiangsu |
山东省医学科学院 Academy of Medical Sciences, Province Shandong |
河南省警察学院 Police College of Province Henan |
大连市高新开发区 High-tech Development Zone of City Dalian |
四川服装设计师协会 Fashion Design Association of Province Sichuan |
杭州服装设计师协会 Fashion Design Association of City Hangzhou |
中国大陆航空运输协会 Mainland China Air Transport Association |
Drop us an email at cooperation@efirstlanding.com, indicating for ‘Cooperation of Overseas Education’;
First Landing Education Ltd.
CB1 Business Centre
20 Station Road, Cambridge UK, CB1 2JD
T: +44 (0)1223 653032
E: cooperation@efirstlanding.com
FLE Beijng Office
R1805, Tower A, Fenglanguoji, Xizhimen North Street, Haidian District,
Beijing City, China, 100082
北京市海淀区西直门北大街32号 枫蓝国际中心A座1805
T: +86 (0) 10-64459889
FLE Shenzhen Office
R2648, Floor 26, Anlian Plaza,No.4018 Jintian Road, Futian District,
Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China
T: +86(0) 755-33955737